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Immersive Fauré Requiem

Battersea Arts Centre Lavender Hill, London, United Kingdom

The Epiphoni Consort celebrates its 10th anniversary with an [...]


Holst Planets with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria

Paseo Principe de Asturias S/N, 35010 Las Palmas de Grac Canaria, Spain Paseo Principe de Asturias, 35010 Las Palmas de Grac Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain

Chichon offers another striking symphonic proposal with the interpretation of Holst's Planets, the famous orchestral suite that has made the British composer famous, whose birth is 150 years ago, and which has had such an influence on numerous film scores. Holst associates the astrological significance of the planets with their descriptive plan, summarized through the expressive titles associated with each of them: Mars, the bringer of war, Venus, the bringer of peace, Mercury, the winged messenger, Jupiter, the bringer of joy, Saturn, the bringer of old age, Uranus, the magician and Neptune, the mystic.


Charity Christmas Carol Concert

St Barnabas Church, Ealing Pitshanger Lane, Ealing, London, United Kingdom

ur annual carol concert, the musical highlight of the Christmas season for many people in the borough, raises money for a local charity. This year we are delighted to support The Store Cupboard, a not-for-profit affordable food project with a shop located in West Ealing. Members of The Store Cupboard pay a small weekly membership fee and can choose food including fresh food, vegetables, chilled and frozen goods as well as store cupboard staples. This all takes place in a normal shopping environment with volunteers on hand to chat and listen. The Store Cupboard also offers signposting to other agencies to enable people to move on from its support. The Charity Carol Concert is a festive evening for all, with carols with the choir and audience, seasonal readings, and mince pies following the concert. This concert is now SOLD OUT! There may be some returns available on the door on the night from 6.15pm onwards.

Concert with The Choir of HM Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace at Tunbridge Wells

Church of King Charles the Martyr London Road, Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom

On a rare trip away from London, the Choir of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court are visiting Tunbridge Wells to present a programme of celebratory music to mark the 400th anniversary of the Accession of Charles I. Just two days after the actual date (27th March 1625) when James I died and Charles I came to the throne, this event is accompanied by an exhibition of artefacts relating to the King and the church.

Organ Recital at Queen’s College, Oxford

queen's college, Oxford High St, Oxford, United Kingdom

Each Wednesday at 1.10pm during term time we host an informal lunchtime recital which ends before 2pm. Admission is free with a retiring collection. For disabled access please speak to the Porters Lodge (01865 279120). Join us to enjoy the sparkling sound of one of the UK’s finest organs, bathed in the glorious architecture and acoustic of the Baroque chapel.